Trenchless Boring
25 Years Experience
Call Now: 817.268.9484

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Under Driveways/Sidewalks
When your bore is short or setback space is limited, piercing tools can be a cost effective and efficient solution. Perfect for residential and commercial jobs.

Whether its pipe bursting services for water and sewer lines, steam lines and refrigerant or power duct and cable pull back,
We Do That!

Directional Drilling
Horizontal Directional Drilling services for installing underground pipe and conduit using a surface mounted drill machine.
Job Management
Our project software simplifies managing telecom construction. Our intuitive mobile application makes it easy to record all production right in the field on a phone or tablet.
Daily-Reports sync automatically in the cloud so that our office staff have access to detailed and accurate Close-Out-Reports and As-Builts ready to be shared with our clients at the click of a button.
Issue, Track, As-Build, and Approve Jobs & Change Orders in one system
Receive Standardized Daily Production Reports with GPS locations, photos, time stamps, and tools to verify production is true and accurate
Automatically Generate KMZ Files that Upload to Google Earth & Import into AutoCad Using a WGS84 (EPSG – 4326) Coordinate System
New network construction is saved to a single cloud-based system print that is accessible to all System-Techs on a daily basis
Materials are tracked from the time the contractor takes possession until the materials are installed
Active Job Dashboard allows the Provider to track open PO’s, Job Status, and percentage complete
Automatic Wall-to-Wall Reports
Standardized Photo Reports
Printable As-Built Maps
Small Cell Site Close Out Documents
Material Usage Reporting
Locate Tracking – With Automatic Expiration Reminder
Precon Meeting Information
See It All On One Map
The construction specifics and GPS locations recorded in the field flow right into google maps.
The details for every bore line, box location, pothole, and fiber pull are right there in a popup window with a click of an icon on the map. Better still – all of that data is preserved and accessible on the KMZ files

On Time Delivery
Project Cloud
Employee Training
Technology Investment
180 State Street
Suite 225
Southlake, Texas
United States of America